December. A month full of holiday parties, family, friends, and reflection.


The second half of December is a perfect time to look back on everything that you experienced, discovered and achieved during the last 12 months. Around this time, many people get the thought of, “Wow, I can’t believe the year is already over!”, but in order to get everything out of 2019, you have to spend some time thinking about it.

You may be the type of person who LOVES journaling, or you may have never journaled or reflected in your life. Regardless of which side you’re on, now is the time to think about the good, the bad, the hard, and the all of the lessons that you learned throughout the year.

It’s not always easy to sit down and write about a year, so I put together a list of questions that will prompt you and help you reflect on 2019.

Before you start to answer the questions, you will need a few things:

  • A quiet comfortable space where you can sit down and be uninterrupted.
  • Your journal, a few pieces of lined paper, or your computer if you wish to type.
  • A pen or pencil.
  • I personally like to light a candle and have a nice cup of hot tea to sip on, but that is 100% optional.

20 questions to help you reflect on 2019:

  1. If you had to describe your 2019 in 3 words, what would they be?
  2. What new things did you discover about yourself?
  3. What single achievement are you the most proud of?
  4. What was your favorite place that you visited in 2019?
  5. What, or who, are you most thankful for?
  6. What was the most important lesson you learned in 2019?
  7. What was your biggest break-through moment career-wise or sport-wise?
  8. Was there anything you did for the very first time in your life this year?
  9. What was your favorite moment spent with your friends?
  10. What major goal did you lay the foundation for?
  11. Which worries turned out to be completely unnecessary?
  12. What experience would you love to do all over again?
  13. What were some of your biggest struggles?
  14. What one thing would you do differently and why?
  15. What do you deserve a pat on the back for?
  16. What new habits did you cultivate?
  17. What advice would you give your early-2019 self if you could?
  18. What or who had the biggest positive impact on your life this year?
  19. Did you cross off anything on your bucket list?
  20. Who invested (time, energy, or money) in you this year?  (PS: this is a perfect time to write them a thank you note)


Stay on the lookout for a 2020 goal setting post that is coming in the near future!

-Alexia Heist

Does your mental performance need improvement?


Fort Worth, TX